Admission process to doctoral study
Information for doctoral candidates about admission procedure for study in academic year 2025/2026: Candidate for...
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Admission procedure for study in Slovak language - Bachelor study
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Admission procedure for study in Slovak language - Bachelor study
According to the Higher Education Act, the basic condition for admission to Bachelor's studies at the university is full secondary education or...
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Study at FME STU in English in year 2025/2026
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering STU (FME STU) FME STU offers high quality education which is widely recognized and respected by potential...
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Admission Procedure - Master Studies
No. 131/2002 on universities (hereinafter referred to as Act on Universities), announces the admission procedure for Master studies. The basic...
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Fee for the Admission Procedure
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Application fee for the admission procedure
Application fee for the full-time study programme admission procedure: 40 € - for applicants who...
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Conditions for admission to study
Conditions for admission to study, indicating the employment of graduates after graduation...
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