Information for doctoral candidates about admission procedure for study in academic year 2025/2026:
Candidate for PhD. study has to have completed 2. level of higher education (engineer, master). In the case of external form of study 2 years after graduation work experience is required .
Schedule and dates of admission process:
First round
- application deadline: till May 31, 2025
- sending documents about graduation of second level of higher education: till May 31, 2025
- (graduation documents of foreign applicants have to be legalized by apostille and confirmation about equivalence of contents of completed study has to be attached)
- term of entrance examination: June 23, 2025
- admission board meeting: June 23, 2025
Second round
- application deadline: till July 15, 2025
- sending documents about graduation of second level of higher education: till July 15, 2025
- (graduation documents of foreign applicants have to be legalized by apostille and confirmation about equivalence of contents of completed study has to be attached)
- term of entrance examination: August 4, 2025
- admission board meeting: August 4, 2025
Verification of diploma and study documents:
Verification of diploma and study documents has to be realized in the home country of the applicant by apostille. Apostille is usually provided by ministry of foreign affairs or ministry of education. Then the assessment of equivalence of contents of completed study is necessary and is realized by Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava which gives out the confirmation about equivalence. More information about verification of study documents you can get at Rectorat of Slovak University of Technology from Ms. Marianna Michelkova (
Fee for admission procedure:
50,00 € - if applicant use electronic form
Bank contact: Štátna pokladnica, Radlinského ulica 32, 810 05 Bratislava 15, Slovenská republika
Recipient: Strojnícka fakulta - Nám. slobody 17, 81231 Bratislava
Account number: IBAN SK09 8180 0000 0070 0034 1800
Variable symbol:
if you use:
a) electronic form - variable symbol is generated by Academic Information System (AIS) - it is the registration number of your electronic form Constant symbol: 0558
Additional data for payment from abroad:
Adress: STU, Vazovova 5, 812 43 Bratislava
IBAN code: SK0981800000007000341800
Offer of study programs:
1. Applied Mechanics (in English, Slovak)
2. Automation and Control of Machines and Processes (in Slovak)
3. Transport machines and equipment (in Slovak)
4. Metrology (in English, Slovak)
5. Process Engineering (in Slovak)
6. Mechanical engineering technologies and materials(in Slovak)
7. Production Machines and Equipment(in English, in Slovak)
8. Energetic Machines and Equipment (in Slovak)
List of PhD thesis for academic year 2025/2026 will be published till April 30, 2025 at this adress:
More information about the dissertation topic supervisor can provide. The theme of dissertation topics is bound with orientation of the entrance exam.
Method of filing the application
Completion and delivery of the application in electronic form via link:
The academic information system STU (AIS) allows the applicant to verify its registration in AIS without a guaranteed electronic signature from the date its submission by the date of the end of the admission procedure.
The application must be delivered within the specified deadline and must contain all the required data and annexes.
The electronic application for doctoral studies will be opened on May 1, 2025.
Application shall contain:
- duly filled-in application form
- curriculum vitae
- recognition of Master Diploma
- proof of payment for admission procedure
- proof of work experience in a related field (only for external study)
- assessment of the applicant's motivation for scientific work,
- test from one language,
- examination of knowledge of the field and discuss the topics
Other conditions for admission to the study of doctoral study programs
Applicants with specific needs:
Applicant with specific needs can require for the special form of the entrance examination. Form of the examination can be modified on the base of his needs. Application for the update of the form and content of examination should be delivered together with the printed application form for PhD. study.
Coordinator for disabled applicants: Mgr. Alena Cepková, PhD. (
Our contact adress:
Strojnícka fakulta STU v Bratislave
Oddelenie pre vedu a výskum Námestie slobody 17
812 31 Bratislava 1
Tel.: + 421 2 57296 255, +412 917 797 251
E-mail: juraj.sklenar[at], stanislav.duris [at]