According to the Higher Education Act, the basic condition for admission to Bachelor's studies at the university is full secondary education or a complete secondary vocational education with a school-leaving certificate (the so-called "maturita").
In the academic year 2025/2026, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the STU will open only the daily form of Bachelor studies.
- Entrance into e-application system
- Procedure for completing the e-application - 2025
- Video guide for e-application
Application forms
It is possible to apply for studies by E-application without a guaranteed electronic signature using the STU Academic Information System (AIS).
- Keep your login details for the E-Application, you will need them on the day of your enrollment for studies.
- Applicants for Bachelor's studies should indicate in the application form a maximum of three study programmes for which they wish to apply (1st – the main study programme, 2nd and 3rd – alternative study programmes). The procedure for selecting alternative programmes is described in the "Procedure for completing the E-application form".
- If not enough applicants apply for the offered study programme, the applicant's application will be transferred to the alternative study programme that the applicant has indicated as the first in order.
- The status of a correctly submitted application expressing your serious interest in studying at the Faculty is 'SUBMITTED E-Application'.
- Incomplete applications will be excluded from the admission procedure.
- A medical certificate does not need to be attached to the application form.
- Admission fee for submission of an E-application for the daily-form of studies:
- 30 € - studies in the Slovak language
- 50 € - studies in the English language
- A sworn copy of the school-leaving certificate and the final year certificate of secondary school studies must be submitted in paper form to the address below.
- Application deadline: 30.04.2025
- Deadline for the admissions committee meeting: 22.05.2025
Strojnícka fakulta STU v Bratislave
Útvar pedagogických činností
Nám. slobody 17, 812 31 Bratislava 1
Ing. Zuzana Matúšová (door number – 011)
Tel.: +421 (2) 572 96 287